How New Legislation On Lettings Could Affect Landlords
Our Loughborough letting agents are the people to see if you want to let out a property, which will include advising on upcoming rental sector legislation.
Our Loughborough letting agents are the people to see if you want to let out a property, which will include advising on upcoming rental sector legislation.
One of the first parts of any property listing is the number of bedrooms and number of bathrooms, but why are these specifically so important to estate agents?
Typically, the summer months see a downturn in interest for estate agents, but this was far less true in 2024, with the fastest rate of growth in two years.
Properties for sale in Leicester and beyond are likely to attract a lot more enquiries, the evidence of the first weeks after the base rate cut suggests.
If you ask an estate agent when the best time to buy or sell a house is, very few of them would suggest the summer. As house price indexes will attest to, July is typically a month where the housing market slows down, as most homeowners have other priorities with…
The BRRRR property investment model has increasingly been noticed by estate agents, but is it a sustainable and successful way to build a property portfolio?
With pledges to build more houses a major talking point in 2024, would increasing the supply of housing to fit demand ultimately lead to lower house prices?
Since mid-2020, average house prices have increased by over a third in an unprecedented surge that shows no sign of stopping. What could possibly cause a fall?
Families who are moving home during summer should not be worried, as there are many advantages of relocating during the warmer months, including longer hours.
First-time buyers are becoming increasingly interested in smaller homes as mortgage affordability has made it harder for them to get on the property ladder.