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The Pros Of Moving Home During The Summer As A Family

Families who searched high and low in estate agent windows to find their perfect property and are now facing the prospect of moving home during the summer should not be worried, as there are many advantages of relocating during the warmer months, even if the kids are off school during this time. 

Get the kids involved

You may be concerned the children will get all over your feet when trying to pack and on removal day, but they could actually be a help. Encourage them to put their belongings into boxes themselves, as this gives them an opportunity to get rid of what they don’t want anymore and saves you a job. 

They can also help on the day by carrying some bags in, keeping movers entertained, and, if they’re old enough, handing out tea and biscuits to keep people’s spirits up.

Not restricted by school hours

Though it might feel like a hindrance having to look after your kids while dealing with solicitors, getting keys and packing up your home, it can be helpful not to be restricted by the school hours. 

You don’t need to worry about getting into the new house before 3pm and you don’t have to worry about giving them dinner and getting them out to their evening activities immediately afterwards. The lack of commitments during the summer can certainly give you more time to settle in. 

Longer daylight hours

The longer daylight hours have many advantages when moving. Firstly, it feels easier to stay up later packing when the sun is still out, and it’s nice to have all the boxes in the new house while it is still light outside, which can be as late as 10pm! 

You can take in the new house properly while the sun is still shining and it is a great opportunity for the family, particularly the children, to be outside and meet the neighbours. Summer is certainly a more sociable season, which could, in the long-run, help you settle into the neighbourhood far more quickly.